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Saturday, March 9, 2019 - 12:45
The University of Texas at Austin
110 Inner Campus Dr
Austin, TX 78712
United States


We are building UNICORNS here:

"StartUp MBA, for Tech, Science, Medicine, Media, Internet, Mobile Apps, Life Science, Health, BioTech, BioPrinting & BioHacking"

THis is the original StartUp MBA @ by Dr Churchill now offered as a MasterMind at Austin Texas this March 8th of 2019 until the 14th of March, side by side with the SXSW conference."

If you want to be a Unicorn -- RSVP now at:

There is a tuition for this StartUp-MBA and if you want to get the details of that by communicating with Dr Churchill at this email: pano [at] 

Or at where you can PM him directly.

Dr Churchill offers his STARTUP-MBA about LIFE SCIENCE this March -- from 10am to 5pm, March 8th until March 14th -- at the University of Texas in Austin.

We are holding this Innovation Master Class Startup Week at the Library in the University of Texas in Austin, for full working hours each day from 10am to 5pm and it is a full MindMelt Innovation. A real Rocket building class...

This version of our famous Life Science Innovation Start Up Weekend & Startup Week, is the full blown Start-Up MBA that is a true Master Class @ University of Texas, with Health, Life Science, BioTech, BioInformatics, BioPrinting, and BioMedical Talent... takes place at the Library.

Come and join us for five hours on Saturday and for another five hours on Sunday. From 10am to 5pm on all the days until Monday March 19th of this year 2018.

Come and get your spot as a Co-founder in one of the coolest and smartest StartUps to grace the halls of Academia and Industry.

We've got fully formed companies with IP and Strategic direction that you can join up, and we also have early stage Startups that we will accelerate. Come do this or bring one of your own StartUp ideas to develop and accelerate.

If you dare -- RSVP now at:

Come along and let's do some BioTech, some BioMed, and some BioHacking Life Science together.

Let's get together to treat disease.

Let's get together to treat pain.

Let's get together to hack Health.

Let's get together to hack our own selves.

Let's get together to develop new techniques to repair our bodies.

Let's get together to develop new techniques to repair our minds.

Let's get together to do Bio-printing,.

Let's get together to develop diagnostics.

Let's get together to solve the Big Problems of Medicine.

Let's get together to Democratize Medicine.

Let's get together to make our Hearts healthy.

Let's get together to fight viral diseases.

Let's get together to fight bacterial disease and infectious diseases.

Let's get together to deal with chronic illness.

Let's get together to repair damaged skin.

To fix damaged hearts.

To fix damaged livers.

To heal the Heart through antivirals, and regenerative Medicine.

To fix our brains through regeneration.

To offer biohacking solutions.

To field new medicines that can treat Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and other degenerative brain diseases.

Let's use BioPrinting to repair organs like a damaged leaky heart, where a specialized catheter can be used to deliver "bio-ink" or stem cells mixed with nutrients and other growth factors to effect a difficult repair and rejuvenation...

Let's use the CRISPER process to fix anything that's part of our body's DNA code. Lets improve healing through a process that involves creating 3D printed structures that can replicate, for example, a layer of skin or a blood vessels.

Let's innovate and create global firsts, going beyond areas where scientists have already succeeded in recreating body parts like bones, but functioning organs are still some way off.

Let's go extra large in general 3D printing of tissue which is still relatively unsophisticated at this stage and many groups around the world are working on the science, so we can innovate beyond our neck of the woods....

Let's dream big and experiment wide...

Join us for the AMAZING LIFE SCIENCE STARTUP WEEKEND and STARTUP WEEK of Dr Churchill's Accelerator Life Science & Medicine Innovation that comprises the Full StartUp MBA @ the University of Texas on this awesome SXSW week experience...

This time around the Accelerator Innovation Master Class focuses strictly on Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharma, BioMed, BioTech, BioEngineering, Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Sciences for solving the big human problems of Disease and Chronic Illness that will K*ll all of us...


Please share this in your Social Media as a Thank You for the effort we all put to make this a Great Success and the Start of Ten Worthwhile StartUps.

Some interesting details...

Read on if you are keen on reading but it is far more important to RSVP first and foremost and prepare yourself to give a week of your time to change your Life.


Join us for this awesome STARTUP MBA MASTERMIND week, at the U of TEXAS campus, in Austin TX, where Dr Pano Churchill, convenes the Medicine and Life Science Tech StartUp Weekend as the first Accelerator -- where He teaches his famous Innovation Master Class at the beginning of the Fall Quarter. If you want to participate in this Life Sciences and Medicine Accelerator, or if you know of someone with exceptional talents, or of a CEO who needs to surround themselves with a solid Founding Team of Co-Founders in order to move Fast Forward their BioMed or BioTech or BioEngineering StartUp -- You should tell them about this and ask them to RSVP here bellow:

This particular ACCELERATOR IS A MASTER CLASS because it has an emphasis on BIOENGINEERING, BIOTECH, BIOMED, COMPUTER SCIENCE, IBioInformatics, BioEthics, INTERNET OF THINGS, MEDICINE, Medical Data, & ALL LIFE SCIENCES, as enhanced with the tools of Systems Biology, Network Genetics, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Nanotech, and Smart pill near field communications, and imaging against the main killing Diseases like Heart Disease, Cancers, Diabetes, etc.

If you want to join us please RSVP herewith. And sent your CV/Resume to the Organizer and highlight your StartUp ideas, and your deep domain expertise, ONLY IF YOU WANT TO BE PART OF THE COURSE.

Additionally You may speak those who handle the Special Domain Expertise of your fields, such as Computer Science, BioEngineering, and BioTech, BioMed, and the Technology Transfer Office, or the Patent Library. However most important is to evolve your Ideas towards a StartUp, and even bring your own already formed early stage StartUp company into the ACCELERATOR MASTER CLASS, so that You can enjoy the benefits of getting a complete Team and the launching Rocket Fuel of this Accelerator Class.

We are an Interdisciplinary mix of Deep Domain Experts and Hackers for Life Sciences and Medicine with a focus on BioEngineering and we utilize all other UW Scientific disciplines such as Nanotech, Smart Pills, Space Tech, Wireless & Internet technologies, Wi-Fi, RFID, near field communication, MRI, Imaging, Augmented Reality, 3D printing, Virtual Reality, Mobile Apps, Integrated Biohacking, Systems Biology, Smart Medicine, Materials Science, and Nano-Engineering for New Pharma. We are investing in Medical and Biotech solutions. We are working on the intersection of Biotechnology, Medical Protein Science, Genetics, Telomeres, Nano Technology Engineering of Smart Pills, Chemistry, and Disease prevention, early recognition, and cure of catastrophic illnesses, and pushing the boundaries on Life Extension. This is the same Startup Weekend Bootcamp as it was first offered by Dr Churchill at the world's top Graduate Schools and Engineering Universities, over the last twenty years, and has spawned hundreds of successful StartUps, and created thousands of useful products, services, and in turn thousands of companies...

For this iteration of the Innovation Master Class, there are a few available spaces still, so if you have specialized talents, and a team with domain expertise, or novel ideas and want to built a company and a product or service, in any of these areas above or other great ideas -- please contact us. Our Medicine, Biotech, Biohacking, Sustainability, Tech, Green, Energy, Clean Innovation & Entrepreneurship Start Up Weekend Bootcamp is all about Business Solutions to our Social, Environmental, & Economic Issues. Business education, like life itself, is a continuous process of growth and effort. A Master Class steeped in the classic Japanese tradition of "Kaizen" -- always innovating, always perfecting -- our Technique of creating and synthesizing great Tech StartUps has become so potent that we are able to condense and compress between Six months, to Six years, worth of StartUp creation, incubation, and acceleration, all condensed in a week of Constant Assembly. We are creating founders' teams, and building mentoring interaction, facilitating company building, along with Innovation Tech start up teaching, and financing the Start Up companies we create.

Please Network and Share openly on your Social media and Networks for Sustainable development, Business Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Engineering, BBMs etc. Logistics & Details: Post Graduate and Graduate Student Participants for this program are solely selected by the University and their Professors. The criteria of selection are to bring together the best & brightest entrepreneurial spirits on he basis of willingness and talent to create a Start Up enterprise.

Sample Class Keynote: Dr Pano Kroko Churchill – LeWeb Student Warm Up, with Pano Kroko [Chairman of the Environmental Parliament] Keynote during LeWeb from ESGI University Paris Dec 2012 LeWeb -- Here is a view of the kind of class I offer — Fresh off the Youtube press:

And here is the StartUp MBA on the Bus in Europe:amp;t=2s

Start Up Innovation Creation Record: As you know am a legendary Angel investor and I write more than one hundred X-large checks each year. Usually more than 100 checks all across the world each year. Over the course of time, we have founded over two hundred successful Start Ups and many more that have become part of the ecosystem in various incarnations. Acquisitions, strategic exits, IPOs etc are all around in dome form. A good thirty percent of them are still alive and kicking as independent entities solving big problems and employing smart people who care about our world. That's some record...Here are some Examples of some other Big problem solving Start Ups I support and the program, we work through the Universities across Europe, Asia and the US this year.

Forbes magazine review for our StartUp MBA in Paris:

Paris Startup Weekend Goes Green: Winner Wants to Sell Insects as Food for Kids = An Abundant & Sustainable Protein food source, already being used in 2/3 of the world but not in developed western world... Processed insect protein tastes great and is nutritious without the toxins, chemistry and antibiotics associated with red meat. It's a great idea because by Replacing our meat culture with this source of protein we can improve our health, preserve mammals, and also save all the primary forests from turning to pasture such as the Amazon rainforest, and also preserve all forested lands, wild pastures and great grasslands all across the world.

Energy, Finance, Emergent Complexity, Mobile Communications, the rise of the Commons, Crowdsourcing, the Internet and our State of the Art Science and Technology along with Complex Life bottom-up rules -- all manifesting themselves strongly in this new Millennium, -- we are provided with the greatest opportunity for Disruption ever. Well, then Go Ahead and make a Start Up. See this video bellow as a boost of your Innovation morale and start thinking of what Great Industry Goliath You want to disrupt. Over here and you are going to be thrilled by an incredible source of Discovery done through the power of the Internet with a lone young thinker and doer making miracles...

Also it is very important to send an email message right here. This ought to come from all the Founder participants, with a page containing TEN startup ideas. The page will contain ten killer ideas and we must have this from all student/participants involved. The participants should also join this FB group and email me the 10 startup ideas list as well as bring a hard copy [analog] to the INNOVATION StartUp weekend camp. Each person chosen, self selected, given the opportunity, or assigned by the University Professors to participate in the Open Innovation Master Class by Dr Churchill, has to email in advance and also bring along their personal list with his/hers ten [10] most likely Start Up ideas he/she wants to pursue or wanted to pursue since childhood. Just fill one page with a short paragraph describing each potential Start-Up and write two lines describing this start Up in some detail of execution. An Executive Summary type of description in two short lines at most, for each startup idea, and a total of ten ideas all together. All ten must be written in a single piece of paper printed double spaced. This is the final ticket for admission in the Master Class and please come prepared to defend those ten precious ideas with your peers and meet your dream team as well... Also be ready to abandon them and become part of another team with a most winsome idea for an innovative Start Up or simply a better team and execution horizon. Be Flexible. The best ideas always win...

The StartUp founders, students, participants, and all attendees have to be aware that this great knowledge doesn't come cheap. The normal costs of participating in this Innovation Master Class amounts to £50,000 GBP per participating student tech entrepreneur. Yet the information class is offered as a webinar, "GRATIS" by Doctor Churchill who chooses to defray these costs because he wants to engage in new business creation and not just in the management theory behind Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and New Company setups. Relational knowledge is disseminated and students are trained to comprehend and foster their own business growth, find their own meaning, and direct their own efforts, in a sustainable entrepreneurial fashion. Therefore in our Master Class we create viable sustainable and successful businesses that are expressions of the one continuing conviction that by education, by leadership, and by means of institutions formed for the purpose, it is possible to greatly improve the quality of life, to create wealth and jobs, and to build a better society. Training future business executives as students to become responsible leaders, includes exposing them to opportunities, teaching them to think creatively, showing them how to act in innovative ways, and learning how to go about doing business in different ways.

The world, the new economy, and all the smart businesses, in Tech and Science are seeking employees who have these skills and even the students themselves, many of whom aspire to become entrepreneurs, in order to find meaning and serve as leaders -- look for these opportunities, and flock to Dr Churchill STARTUP WEEKEND ACCELERATOR & Innovation Master Class targeting advancement in their chosen field of study.

In this edition of the Accelerator Innovation Start Up Weekend, we focus on a couple of simple things: "We believe that education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think" -- Albert Einstein

Over the course of the years, more than two hundred of the New successful Companies that are still alive today - have been created out of the over a Thousand Start Up Companies that got initially started out of this Master Class Weekend in it's many iterations. We beat the odds of the one out of ten companies surviving because we combine incredible Human Capital and Associated Talent with this Accelerator for Innovation Method of creating long term valuable products and services, through the marriage of Technology, Business Acumen, and Social Entrepreneurship. Quite a few startups that went on to become Billion Dollar Companies in Technology sector, were created this way and got their initial rocket fuel here, in order to manage to scale and reach escape velocity. We create New Companies in Energy, Finance, Internet, Software, Mobile, Internet & Web Services, SAAS, Communications, Human Services & Products, Consumer and Shared Economy, disruptive efficiencies, strategic initiatives, Healthcare, Biotech, Nano, Life Sciences, Brain & Mindfulness, Computing, and we also create companies that offer Clean Energy Services, Green Technology Solutions, Environmental Remediation, Financial Services, Social Network services, Communications solutions, Mobile Tech engineering, Infrastructure engineering for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and also for Agricultural and Food production advances, Biotechnology, Medicine, Economic investment, Financial Innovation for Green Energy and Clean Tech, and Public policy nudges. Think of it: Two hundred living companies that have maintained their Sustainable Vision giving awesome value to the World and their customers are now with us because of our Master Class. They are companies founded by also getting wealthy and relevant in the process to sustain themselves in order to be able to give value for the long term. What's better than that?

Dr Churchill started his global tour this auspicious year, at the Far East end of the globe in China's Beijing Tsinghua [Qinghua-Xinghua] University over the weekend of January 12th and 13th and then continued eastward to the US for the second half of January and the first part of February at the University of Washington in Seattle. Next class will be in Texas for the month of March and then in Europe followed by one in China, and then back to America during late June at Stanford University in Silicon Valley for the Summer. Follow our schedule and get into our class because this is the best time to Innovate and start a great entrepreneurial company.

Because of your interest in getting this far, You are invited to come learn how to participate in Great Innovation. You learn how to start new companies in Life Sciences, Medicine, Pharma, Medical Devises, Genomics, Mobile, Internet, Green Energy & Sustainability, Clean Energy Technology, Greentech, business, how to embed new innovation policies in your multinational company, how to enrich your Society, make your government better, strengthen our Democracy, & how to innovate within your enterprise utilizing ultra-lean agile innovation techniques. We also invite you to come to connect with finance and PE ventures, and also with Green Capital leaders for business opportunities, scaling up and strategic resource Co-operation.

Your mind will truly explode in this amazing MASTERMIND by Dr Churchill... 

Yet one might rightfully ask:

Why go all out and make all this Effort?

My answer is simple:

Because it's a Matter of Life and Death.

If we are to survive as a species, we must make positive innovation part of the mainstream learning in business, technology and society. Same as we should do in general education in order to teach People Change, Adaptation, and Mitigation, towards Climate Change, Resource Constraints, and Environmental Chaos.After all, Innovation springs from the freedom to observe nature, see patterns, think freely, and connect ideas in new ways. Unfortunately our schools and universities generally allow us to connect ideas only in prescribed ways. Sometimes these methods lead to new insights, but more likely they lead to rote learning. Why is it that when one asks a first grade class which of them can draw, all of them eagerly raise their hands, but ask the same question of a high school class, and only one or two admit to having artistic skills? What convinced those who decided they could not draw? Why do we not encourage everyone to draw, even if they do so in their own ways? Great artists break the rules — and new ground — all the time. That is how they become great artists. We need schools and universities to be places where innovation happens routinely. Instead we share stories of how the great innovators left school to allow themselves the freedom to pursue their dreams. Turning this around is not equivalent to pruning the branches of the education tree — it is akin to grafting a new root system to it, and we have yet to develop the techniques for wholesale reinvention at that level. We must innovate in order to begin to understand where to start in order to create our new economies. Resilient economies that can sustain us through the resource and recession crises. The multi - Trillion pound economy of Green Innovation will not wait in the wings for the US to pull it's act together but will surely and eagerly move to China and elsewhere where people will have it... So it is important for us to create the StartUps that matter, through Innovation.

So come participate, innovate, solve Big problems and start up great companies. It's also an opportunity to connect with the Environmental Parliament and it's Business Sustainability agenda, and a good time for arranging cooperation, civic action, engagement, policy advocacy and delivery -- and also schedule other public speaking engagements of Dr Churchill in the approximate territories covered in this cascading Public Teaching & Speaking Tour around the globe. The Green Tech Start Up Innovation Tour started from Beijing Tsinghua University as the starting point this January and in your University in the next months... It is a very auspicious year for Green Tech and Clean Energy Entrepreneurship, because in the year, we expect to break many grid parity records and launch the thousand new Green Enterprises that will mark the dawn of the New Era of No-Carbon Energy.

This is a Master Class addressed to the Leaders. Because there is no more important issue for today's and tomorrow's business and society leaders, nor for the problem solvers, or for the engineers, the scientists, the business people and all the entrepreneurs -- than climate change. And there is no more important place in the effort to control greenhouse gas emissions than the United Europe because of the leadership Europe has shown in the Green Economy Political Agenda worldwide. And as we learn from past failures and successes we move to a place of clear vision populated by serious successes. At our Master Class we allow failure to be as powerful a learning mode as success. Because we see learning being all about risk. Unlike regular learning institutions that are anything but risk tolerant. There are good reasons for that, except when it comes to learning. At all the Universities teaching theories -- we deceive our students when we do not make it clear that knowledge is not absolute. Truth is the result of generations of observation, experimentation, exploration, refinement, pushing the boundaries of our experience, and rational scientific thinking... Yet truth builds on failure as much as success, but failure is anathema to today’s learning institutions. We must instill in students the drive to learn, and to help them see the vital role of failure in discovery. We need to expect our halls of learning to question their own processes and strategies, and their own success. We measure things, but spend little time on understanding what we should be measuring. We know great innovation always comes from the refinement of an initial idea, but we teach in and administer schools as if there are absolute certainties that we must never question. How can we ensure that the next series of great discoveries will be made? That is a challenge whose dimensions and starting places are elusive enough to be considered a truly wicked problem and we are solving it by building the methodology for success through the Innovation Start Up process.

This year Dr Churchill will teach this abundant resource of his Innovation Master Class at Tsinghua University in Beijing, and then at the University of Washington in Seattle, followed by Stanford University Engineering School in Palo Alto, in Silicon Valley California during the following weekend, and Harvard and MIT in Cambridge, Boston [early February], followed by the Master Class offered at the IESE in Barcelona during the GSMA Mobile World Congress; and then the fabulous and must attend "London Open Innovation Weekend" at the ESCP London's Premiere Business Management University, during the first weekend of March. The ESCP school of Paris, is the oldest management school in the world since it was founded by Napoleon Bonaparte. And to this day ESCP claims to be the best MBA Business Management University in the world, with graduates in leadership positions [proving the point] throughout Europe and the world, in commerce, industry, banking, and government. But , sthey are not entrepreneurial, and are certainly not Innovators -- and that is what we aim to fix with this MasterMind class of Dr Churchill.

And now this Life Science Innovation Start Up Weekend and BioTech Master Class offered by Dr Churchill provides the global Start Up network with the moorings in BioTech, BioEngineering, BioMedicine, Advanced Medical & Health Technology, BioPrinting, and BioHacking. All scientific pursuits that make Life healthier and longer. THis Innovation Startup Weekend fosters monumental growth of ideas and out of bounds entrepreneurial leaps. This version of the US tour of the Life Tech, Open Health & Medical Innovation, is the famous Start Up Weekend Class where we focus in the region of the United States most likely to spawn the Future of BioTech as it intersects with Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, and the Internet of All Things and of the Future, with it's Libertarian and Free Thinking Independent and Democratic traditions, that place the People and the Patients in charge of their Health and WellBeing. So come one and come all and invite your free spirited friends who converge here from all over the world and who have started the new Mobile communications revolution within the human body...

This is the StartUp Weekend that brings forth the Future of BioTech as it intersects with Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, and the Internet of All Things and of the Future, with it's Libertarian and Free Thinking Independent and Democratic traditions, that place the People and the Patients in charge of their Health and WellBeing.

So come one and come all, and invite your free spirited friends who converge here from all over the world and who have started the new protein and hormone communications revolution within the human body... Well, we are getting some heart here too. 

Heady Stuff...

So let's do this because there is no more important issue for today's leaders, for the problem solvers, for engineers, scientists, business people and entrepreneurs, than climate change -- and no more important country in the World in the effort to control the spread of killer Diseases and population Malfeasance.

In particular -- Dr Pano Churchill's ACCELERATOR MASTER CLASS is an intense Start Up weekend on Innovation at the most prestigious Business Management and Engineering Schools, will focus on shifting the Intellectual and Entrepreneurial Energy of the dynamic students and professors, towards a sustainable future of HEALTHCARE by scaling the solutions already used and innovating through all the science and technology based tools & applications available to us today. Accelerating Medical and Pharma and BioTech, and Engineering solutions for the Big Problems of today, and designing the future through entrepreneurship is the hot topic that Dr Churchill has offered in his ACCELERATOR and Innovation Start Up Master Class to MBA and Engineering graduate students at the best Universities across the world and this is what He is doing again at Stanford's Innovation Start Up weekend this year and on to the rest of the US, Europe, and beyond. From Tsinghua, to Stanford, and MIT, to UW, Harvard and NYU, and from Imperial to Oxford and Cambridge, from ESCP London to Sorbonne in Paris and IESE in Barcelona, and from Waseda-U, to Shanghai University -- this INNOVATION Start Up Weekend Master Class, has spawned over two hundred sustainably successful BioMedical and BioTech companies. Most of these companies are still alive today, and hordes of others not with us anymore. All together more than a Thousand StartUp companies have been built.

And even the ones who bit the dust - still have given us education, valuable insights, directions and serviceable iterations of ideas and many exits. When we fail, we fail forward and start another StartUp all over again. Over a Thousand companies have been launched through this process. Because of this record it is a must attend event for all aspiring and technically able MBAs, engineers, techies, geeks, designers, web and mobile entrepreneurs and even academics or Social scientists interested in Innovation and the proliferation of innovative practices throughout Society, Business, Institutions, Governments and all of the organizations that make up our world. This is a great Master Seminar Accelerator course that helps to launch and begin a fast track process for scale of healthy StartUp enterprises geared to addressing the challenges of today. Because we can solve all problems with the leading Innovative and Inventive companies of tomorrow, when the best human capital from chemistry, physics, technology graduates, engineers, Business Masters and all the other scientific discipline graduates -- come together here to formulate the neural networks and links the pathways to product orientated thinking. This is also a great Innovation Master Class for those involved and innovating in government, public policy, Academia, and business bureaucracy, as well as for those working on the C-level executive suite, of international large and middle scale enterprises.

We tend to change slowly as people and yet as members of the Human Family methinks that we are smarter than that... And if you need a Pep talk to get it -- here it is:

We are better than that because we have Medical science and technology becoming continuously more affordable and democratically available to all of us. Because of that, we are conducting a Master Class on solving the Big Problems via Innovation as an empirical application for the United State’s transition from the Affordable Care Act, towards the Health Security of the American People via private enterprise solutions and market based cost conscious mechanisms.

Next, we'll be making FemBots out of robotic innovation and biomedical body mechanisms blended with artificial intelligence. AI and body printing will result in this human bounty...


And here are the 10 Lessons on Innovation and Creation of Solutions from none other than Albert Einstein the very founder of Photovoltaic technology in transmuting Solar radiation to electricity, and the very reason why he received the Nobel Prize:

1. Follow Your Curiosity because as he always said and I quote him here: “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.”

2. Perseverance is Priceless: “It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

3. Focus on the Present: “Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

4. The Imagination is Powerful: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.”

5. Make Mistakes: “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”

6. Live in the Moment: “I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.”

7. Create Value: “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.”

8. Don’t be repetitive: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

9. Knowledge Comes From Experience“Information is not knowledge. The only source of knowledge is experience.”

10. Learn the Rules and Then Play Better: “You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

This is the aim of this Weekend Seminar: Coupling American Yankee ingenuity with entrepreneurial innovation in advance of Medicine and Medical Biological Technology innovation modelling -- successful locally and iterated here and across the globe. In this Master Class we can add greater depth to a practical understanding of America’s technological innovation landscape, business and government systems and the country’s current and future role in a globalized Medical and Life Science Economy.

Dr Churchill focuses on America’s specific methods and technologies of Biotechnology intersecting with Computer Science, via science based Tech Start Up development.

After all in the human experience it is the various crises that give us pause and lead to precipitous shifts, and momentous change.

And this is how business helps us solve the Health Care dilemma, because the potential for leap frogging is tremendous and the entrepreneurial rewards enormous. This is the time of Disruption. So come join us. All the Dead Poets advise You: CARPE DIEM = Seize the moment. The American nation’s ability to innovate, deploy, accelerate & escalate, its use of Medical Advancement and Pharmaceutical Technology also demonstrates US’s ability to leapfrog directly to the latest and most prevalent of the available Biological technologies long term. Because ultimately, there is a real competition and the Innovators will win BIG. Yet this is not a zero sum game but rather a large cooperative effort to address the big problems of Health, Wellness, and Disease Management.

We are in it together and the smartest minds are innovating along these lines currently at the top schools and labs across the world. And the winning team of this Open Innovation weekend will get funded Monday morning, when the leading Angels, VCs and PE friends of Dr Kroko, will convene to hear the newly hatched Start Up teams present during the "Pitch&Demo" show and competition Champagne & Caviar brunch... Be prepared to be challenged and placed in danger of changing your ideas, your Life, and your future. Come willing to get on the Edge and beyond. Come to be real and to find out what you want to do with your Life and the Destiny you can create.

So come join us on this intensive Master Class Weekend Bootcamp for StartUps, so we can foster the second wave of Innovation to keep the momentum going forward. INFO: What Do We Teach and practice during the Innovation Start Up Master Class Weekend? We teach by Doing. WE PRACTICE and practice again and again, the building method and the process of Creation of a new Start Up with the BEST VIABLE PRODUCT & SERVICE to solve the big problems of the world today. The starting talks for the ACCELERATOR are at the Library Auditorium, and that is where the ACCELERATOR Innovation Master Class will be held.

An INNOVATION of the Mind indeed ... and we gather to attend the lecture of Dr Pano Churchill, Chairman of the Environmental Parliament and his ACCELERATOR Master Class for Entrepreneurs. The Master Class opening talks are at the University school and it is assisted by the leading Professors with domain expertise, and with the best of breed Venture Capital representatives of the VC industry and Private Equity firms from all over the West Coast. Because these VC firms, as well as the global firms from America and China are always scouting our Master Class for the next Twitter, Square, Google, and Seattle Wireless, to be discovered through our ranks.

Indeed the bounty of this God's green earth is endless -- if you know where to look at...

Dr Churchill will be speaking and sharing the methodology of building companies for Clean Energy, Clean Tech, Green Tech and Green Innovation. Building companies that are keen on solving the Big Problems and tackling the serious issues pertaining to Climate Change, Biotechnology, BioMedicine, Biogenetics, Geoengineering and all things Green.

This Innovation Revolution will not be televised and all the Entrepreneurs along with the great Scientists wishing to build the businesses of the future and willing to participate in this New Revolution are invited. Please Network this invitation to your circle of Founders and Business friends and email your StartUp team contacts and especially the young people building Start Up products & services across the world. Then come to this must attend Master Class that will be cosponsored through Stanford's Engineering, Computer Science, Software, and Management School Professors, and through the EP university team. For the extreme entrepreneurs, who are not associated with the school -- you can volunteer to help for this event and thus earn your tuition fees and attend.

We offer this Master Class also to the hackers and the outsiders of the University community, but also to the ultimate insiders, the BioEngineers, the BioTechnologists, and the Computer Scientists along with the MBA community, because innovative Start Ups are now urgently needed in order to amend our world, solve the Big Social Problems ahead, change the steeply slopping downwards road we are on, and help adaptation by creating a future worth living. A new emergent complexity is needed right about now. This is the only way. We must innovate in order to be able to adapt. Survival of the fittest is the survival of the ones most able to change, and thus adapt. And this new economics of adaptation, will rewards us mightily. Our civilisation, humanity and our local and networked economies will benefit not only by the New Medicine, the New Pharma, and the New Biotech, but also we shall make the financing case for these innovative StartUps because there is a lot of ANGEL CAPITAL, and easy money available from the Angel Investors, the American Angels, and from the small local VCs of the City, along with Private Equity Capital, as well as money from the the Jobs sector, from Industry, Institutions, and from various Friends and Family of the University community, from the various government acronyms, like DARPA, ARPA, NASA, DOD, NIH, NHS, WH, and from the ACA, FDA, Energy department, from the Environmental Agency, Small Business Administration Development, the American Business Union, the Environmental Parliament and Green Capital, the Accelerator -- and it's all designed to augment your chances of future success. So come join us on this ACCELERATOR MASTER CLASS because we'll guide you to create a Company that solves the big problems. Come because it's Your Future and You better care...

The Methodology starts here: In order to create new innovative Start-Ups, we must first consider what exactly we mean by the term “innovation”.Innovation is “the introduction of something new”. We differentiate innovation from both invention and improvement as follows: Innovation differs from invention in that innovation refers to the use of a better and, as a result, novel idea or method, whereas invention refers more directly to the creation of the idea or method itself. Innovation differs from improvement in that innovation refers to the notion of doing something different (Latin innovare = "to change") rather than doing the same thing better. These new and different things come about in varying degrees. There are different levels of innovation such as “core”, “adjacent” or “transformational” towards new Start-Ups and strategic enterprises, towards existing company’s current products and brand new assets. Innovation needs collaboration, and feeds into three levels of innovation: “incremental“, “breakthrough”, and “transformational”. Meanwhile, the three levels of “incremental”, “substantial”, and “radical” can be easily transplanted with the three stages aboveThere are many more ways to depict these stages. Yet for our Innovation purposes, we want to CREATE start ups in the space of our Master Class: So we start here in three simple Panoisms : 1) You can do anything you set your mind to, with adequate perseverance, intelligence, passion & skill. 2) Everything that can be converted from an atom to a bit, will be and you can create products based on this premise all day long. 3) Do you want to live a life pushing paper around or do you want to build products that change people's lives? So Go Forth & Innovate.

After all, Innovation Excellence is what it's all about for both Public and Business Creation, Entrepreneurship and Management or Administration.

ACCELERATOR MASTER CLASS is open for RSVPs here and now:

And the fecudinty of your ideas to be realized through your own StartUp.

This much is guaranteed....

Please do share herewith:

Please Network and Share openly on your Social media and Networks for Sustainable development, Business Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Engineering, BBMs etc. Logistics & Details: Post Graduate and Graduate Student Participants for this program are solely selected by the University and their Professors. The criteria of selection are to bring together the best & brightest entrepreneurial spirits on he basis of willingness and talent to create a Start Up enterprise. This Facebook event page is just for information purposes only. Thus if an entrepreneur affiliated with the University, wants to join the Open Green Innovation Start Up Weekend, @ University -- he/she must apply properly to the University's Professors and relevant academic faculty. However there are few spots available for working volunteers and EP practitioners or Green Capital members who will be admitted gratis. Please let me know here, if you want to volunteer for this Open Innovation MASTERMIND StartUp-MBA of the year.

Sample Class Keynote:Pano Kroko – LeWeb Student Warm Up, with Pano Kroko [Chairman of the Environmental Parliament] Keynote during LeWeb from ESGI University Paris Dec 2012 LeWeb -- Here is a view of the kind of class I offer — Fresh off the Youtube press:

And here is the StartUp MBA on the Bus in Europe:amp;t=2s

Start Up Innovation Creation Record: As you know am a legendary Angel investor and I write more than one hundred X-large checks each year. Usually more than 100 checks all across the world each year. Over the course of time, we have founded over two hundred successful Start Ups and many more that have become part of the ecosystem in various incarnations. Acquisitions, strategic exits, IPOs etc are all around in dome form. A good thirty percent of them are still alive and kicking as independent entities solving big problems and employing smart people who care about our world. That's some record...

Here are some Examples of some other Big problem solving Start Ups I support and the program, we work through the Universities across Europe, Asia and the US this year.

Forbes magazine review for our StartUp MBA in Paris:

Paris Startup Weekend Goes Green: Winner Wants to Sell Insects as Food for Kids = An Abundant & Sustainable Protein food source, already being used in 2/3 of the world but not in developed western world... Processed insect protein tastes great and is nutritious without the toxins, chemistry and antibiotics associated with red meat. It's a great idea because by Replacing our meat culture with this source of protein we can improve our health, preserve mammals, and also save all the primary forests from turning to pasture such as the Amazon rainforest, and also preserve all forested lands, wild pastures and great grasslands all across the world.

Energy, Finance, Emergent Complexity, Mobile Communications, the rise of the Commons, Crowdsourcing, the Internet and our State of the Art Science and Technology along with Complex Life bottom-up rules -- all manifesting themselves strongly in this new Millennium, -- we are provided with the greatest opportunity for Disruption ever. Well, then Go Ahead and make a Start Up. See this video bellow as a boost of your Innovation morale and start thinking of what Great Industry Goliath You want to disrupt. Over here and you are going to be thrilled by an incredible source of Discovery done through the power of the Internet with a lone young thinker and doer making miracles...

Also it is very important to receive an email message right here. This ought to come from all the Founders, CEOs, & participants, with a single page containing up to TEN startup ideas. The page will contain ten killer ideas and we must have this from all student/participants involved. The participants should also join this FB group and email me the 10 startup ideas list as well as bring a hard copy [analog] to the INNOVATION StartUp weekend camp. Each person chosen, self selected, given the opportunity, or assigned by the University Professors to participate in the Open Innovation Master Class by Dr Kroko, has to email in advance and also bring along their personal list with his/hers ten [10] most likely Start Up ideas he/she wants to pursue or wanted to pursue since childhood. Just fill one page with a short paragraph describing each potential Start-Up and write two lines describing this start Up in some detail of execution. An Executive Summary type of description in two short lines at most, for each startup idea, and a total of ten ideas all together. All ten must be written in a single piece of paper printed double spaced. This is the final ticket for admission in the Master Class and please come prepared to defend those ten precious ideas with your peers and meet your dream team as well... Also be ready to abandon your ideas, and become part of another team with a most winsome idea for an innovative Start Up or simply a better team and execution horizon.

Be Flexible, because the best ideas always win... and it is not necessary for them to be coming from your brain. Indeed everybody has great ideas, but very few people execute upon them. 

So come and ACCELERATE your StartUp this Weekend at this University library. Come camp out with the best of us: Grab your laptop, your toothbrush, vitamins, your sleeping bag, your best positive mind and your awesome entrepreneurial zeal, and come spend a weekend with me and become enlightened with all of us and pursue the most lofty goals you can think of. Last things is to advise you to not forget to bring your condoms... because ideas have sex and it gets messy... And we believe in practicing safe sex. -- ROFL -- Just checking to make sure you are still reading this far... We are practicing the intercourse of ideas, knowledge and intellectual disciplines to foster the New Solutions for our Big Problems.

On this iteration of the BIOTECH ACCELERATOR MASTER CLASS we are not necessarily going to solve the problem of Death, but we are certainly going to solve some of the problems of Life and Healthful living against disease and illness.

Now... Why we do this? Because we can compress six years of company building into a few days and hours.

And because we proved over the years that it works.


--Dr Churchill 

And because as Albert Einstein always said: "One should not pursue goals that are easily achieved. One must develop an instinct for what one can just barely achieve through one’s greatest efforts," we need to get ourselves out of the box of comfortable thinking and school type business ideation. —Albert Einstein

“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.”
-Albert Einstein

Please RSVP on this MeetUp and register here your interest to participate in Dr Churchill's famous INNOVATION & ACCELERATION MASTERCLASS. Scientists, Hacker, Coders, Internet Mermaids, StartUp Founders, Engineers, Designers, PHD candidates, Doctors, MBAs, and all technical talent are welcome to apply right here.

Come built it, accelerate it, and fund it. Keep in mind that in the crazy and volatile financial weather you cannot always enjoy the out of this world valuations designed for funding the Unicorns of Silicon Valley... and instead, we must be smart and pursue real values for our StartUps so that investors can follow through with investment scheduling commitments.

The Format of the BioTech and BioMed Innovation Master Class is the same as this last class that was offered at the University of Tsinghua in Beijing CHINA, last Spring, that graduated a Dozen new StartUps in Smart Medicine, BioTech, BioInformatics, in Green Tech, and in Clean Energy.


Still you ought to RSVP here on this MeetUp:

To Your Best Future...


Dr Churchill


This MasterMind with Dr Churchill only costs a total of $25,000 for the whole week in Austin Texas alongside the Master of the Thousand StartUps, Dr Churchill.

Yet for those early birds, and for you, the price is only $15,000 USD provided that you sign up by the 15th of September of 2018.

And from September 15th until October 15th of 2018, the price rises to $20,000 USD. 

And from then on it is the full price of $25,000 USD.

When payable in full you receive a 10% discount.

There is no discount, bedises the early bird specails, when the course tuition is paid in installments, in credit card payments, or in othere ways.

Yet if you have special needs, and need some tuition support or a community rate -- please ask because we are here to accommodate you and get you to be a Great StartUpper that builds the next famously successful Unicorn.

There exists also a form of financial aid for those in our community that might not be able to afford the full scheduled price, because we would like to make it possible for all young people to participate. Please communicate your need to him directly, at the MeetUp of the American Angels group herewith: 


Mind you, this MASTERMIND conference represents a great opportunity for CEOs and C-level team types, as well as any kind of Corporate Leader that wants to up their INNOVATION and SUCCESS game.

And as such it gets filled up early and you might miss it, if you wait, considering that people rush to get the early bird tickets knowing that they will get the full MASTERMIND course along with the StartUp-MBA degree experience, the continued education certificate, the STARTUP-MBA degree, and the MasterMind -- all in a week with Dr Churchill in AUstin Texas.

It is Austin where the SX-SW takes place from March 9th until the 19th, and this is where you will also meet with many of Dr Churchill's famous creative, innovative, and inventive Super Successful friends in the world of Business StartUps, or in the world of StartUps in the Music, Film, and Entertainment Production Industry, as well as hanging out with those most successful Creatives, and with the SX-SW conference leaders and the famous Speakers -- the Movers and Shakers of our World.

Afterwards, and while basking in the aftrerglow of this Great MasterMind, and after you get the whole of the MASTERMIND experience of the STARTUP-MBA week from March 9th until March 16th, we will spend the last two days, together with the last two days of the SXSW experience of the great closing parties and all the entertainment this amazing conference has to offer... (17th - 18th)

This is a real Executive Bootcamp StartUp MBA, and it's not for the faint of heart...


If you dare jump and RSVP now at:


After, and during this Great MASTERMIND experience of the STARTUP-MBA week lasting from March 8th until March 14th, we will spend the last couple of days together financing the StartUps and enjoying the true Life Science -- LIFE -- by participating in the celebration of the SXSW experience while partaking in the great parties and all the entertainment this amazing conference has to offer during the 15th - 17th peak days of creativity, connections, networking, with the rich & famous and sharing moments of joy, fun, friendship, along with a healthy dose of fame.

And although, this is a real Executive Bootcamp StartUp MBA, and it's not for the faint of heart -- the last two celebration days, are GRATIS for everybody who comes to our MeetUps and spreads this message (widely in the social nets) and is socially connected to Dr Churchill's Twitter account, where we like to see this MeetUp broadcast.

FOLLOW and SHARE: The American Churchill

So now that you are informed, please RSVP and socially share this at:

If you dare -- RSVP now at:

There is a tuition for this StartUp-MBA and if you want to get the details of that by communicating with Dr Churchill at this email: pano [at] 

Or at where you can PM him directly.

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