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Sat, 03/15/2014 - 11:05

66) Jesus says: "Show me the stone that the builders have rejected. It is the cornerstone." (67) Jesus says: "Whoever knows all, if he is lacking one thing, he is (already) lacking everything." (68) Jesus says: (1) "Blessed are you when(ever) they hate you (and) persecute you. (2) But they (themselves) will find no place there where they have persecuted you." (69) Jesus says: (1) "Blessed are those who have been persecuted in their heart. They are the ones who have truly come to know the Father." (2) "Blessed are those who suffer from hunger so that the belly of the one who wishes (it) will be satisfied." (70) Jesus says: (1) "If you bring it into being within you, (then) that which you have will save you. (2) If you do not have it within you, (then) that which you do not have within you [will] kill you." ============================== .. that was from the G0D SpeLL of Thomas .... Two M's ... MM .... two wear the eyes vanish. No matter how far down that 'hall way' you travel there is NO end to it..... the journey of the MaDge Eye has just begun and already they wish to know the ending .... there ISNT ONE. ...the bed or 'cot' upon witch i sit has quite the crator in it now .... and no matter how i turn that mate tress it still pains me with its lumps. The metal springs have worn through the padding ..... there is a King Pin ..... a Lynch Pin ... and the Cotter Pin ..... Turn Cote .... . a turn coat .... a traitor.... you can always tell a traitor because their traits show in their clothing .... their NAME. Enemy mines .... long, deciduous and unforgiving. We used to call difficult people 'door knobs' .... because they had a 'screw loose' and no amount of words would ever convince them of a different way of seeing others viewpoints. My room has a doorknob that barely turns at all but its caught the pocket of my jacket more times than i care to remember. Paw Kits ... Manicure Sets. :::::::::::::::MIND ........ in the desert with a bullet ..... and as you can see from that example of concretism in a word ... its mighty banged up and crinkled like a beer can .... but at least the leads bin gotten out. In ancient times the King would disguise himself and live among his people for a time so that he might hear the Truth about their needs and desires. That is what i have done ...... for you CANNOT know the Truth and thus gain Compassion until you've suffered their ills, their joys .... and most of all .... their tragedies ...... it may be nobler in the mind to suffer those slings and arrows ..... but where the rubber meats the road is the only place where you can SEE it........... eye spy with my little eye ...... something taking to wing. MOODY BLUES The Story In Your Eyes Lyrics I've been thinking 'bout our fortune And I've decided that we're really not to blame For the love that's deep inside us now Is still the same And the sound we make together Is the music to the story in your eyes It's been shining down upon me now I realize Listen to the tide slowly turning Wash all our heartaches away We're part of the fire that is burning And from the ashes we can build another day But I'm frightened for your children That the life that we are living is in vain And the sunshine we've been waiting for Will turn to rain Listen to the tide slowly turning Wash all our heartaches away We're part of the fire that is burning And from the ashes we can build another day But I'm frightened for your children That the life that we are living is in vain And the sunshine we've been waiting for Will turn to rain When the final line is over And it's certain that the curtain's gonna fall I can hide inside your sweet, sweet love Forevermore