Comments (3)

Sat, 03/08/2014 - 11:38

the Time ov hour Lives ..... 2/4/2/4/24 ... the tick talk of a pawKit Watcher.... a darC angeL i once knew ... she popped my egO like an Xspurt ...diss suede'd me from the palm pawcity of beauty.... and 'shE'S' still here now .... as a fan dangO ..... rodents ..... roe dents .... egg tooth ..... hens teeth in other words. The big Y'T rayBit is also a rodent ... so the rare ness of hens teeth is its interlocking junkshin box ... wound dead nee ... a murder victim......Oz .... down unDer ......and the KING RaT .... kangaRUes ... Joe Weeze .... so i got him in my paw kit but he struggles to put on a racket ... hahahaha...7L7L7L..... and a triple nee cap pop to the Glow ballists 2 the Left ..... 2 the Left ..... 2 the Left rite Left ..... 7L7L7L R L....::::::o ..... the day i saw the depth of emptiness was the day i said to me\self .... i think i better strap a plank on my butt the next time i vent o'er the challenger deep [the witchy woman as NaMFOE not nympho]....hahahaha....... the kind of place where they kick ya when yer down ..... ...... 'ya lousy little foo Cur !......:::kon .... or stomp yer bloated corpse .... ''/Ron' ... take that ya frickin' mutter boat .... ''the bloat stomps here''... One eye.. ( o ) a maLe as TeeCher.... Sigh Clops not sick loops. ..the rational mind ....[rationing mined].. rat .... ration ..... stringin up a rat .... rat tie on .... a slip knot .... the ties that bind ... rationing anything is to what? .... ray shine .... rashin ale .... and when you ration ale eyes you get a MEAN drunk. Rusty nails .. scotch and Damn Bowie .... spiking the punch bowl .... the Last Spike on the iron rods that 'holds the country together'' ... so be it . ''Breaking News ..... this story Just Breaking' ...'' CBS Broke the Story''... at least in that one we know who to blame.... rite from the get go they're telling you the story is broke .... so why bother reading it?.. peeps love watchin' slow motion trane rex. HE hoo controls the SCALE ... always proFits from NOT using it but SEEing it ...i move thru worlds on a sliding scale ..... a single hair with SinguLayer PerPose .... the wait 'OF' Over. (11) Jesus says: (1) "This heaven will pass away, and the (heaven) above it will pass away. (2) And the dead are not alive, and the living will not died. (3) In the days when you consumed what was dead, you made it alive. When you are in the light, what will you do? (4) On the day when you were one, you became two. But when you become two, what will you do? ... the sophists ..... soft fists ..... adolescents ...[a doll less sense] the smell of BarBee. Riding upON a parent ... a 'fellah' on a lumbering brew ski ..... steering assembly is pullin' on the ears and a heel kick to the booby.... the 'boo bee trappist monkeys'' ...hahahaha. daddy don't go so fast ..... er ..... sew fist? sew fast .... allways with the sewing .... Sea Wing .... the brilliant tonal grays of a seagull. ... lug age... the size of your waste ...... a 'little shit' .... but like eye said ..... the Can Aery on a Goal Line is a tap on the noggin like spitting egg nawg a gains ..... tilt head and open pi hole ...../C.... Oily garks ..... Allah Garkas? ... now rinse and spit .....hahaha... the things i du fur lover money ..... tee hee....i know i've spit more coffee on my computer than my nay bore drinks in a year ....hahahaha. A bare eL fulla monk keys ...... and drunk, stoned and ob nox shus ..... Oh .. BEE wan can no bee ...... and i got no bee with me .... sniff snuffle ..... gooy nose shnuffel ..... my eye ball glass runneth ova .....hahaha ... i'm being accused of stealing other artists work ...... well i display their work i don't hide it away ..... if you steal you HIDE that fact .... anyroad...... when i incorporate or bring to FLESH their WORk ..... by using it in CON JUNKshun with Others hoo are like Y's .... it elevates the ARTIST as a bonus for THEM. ... what artist worthy of the name would OBJECT to what i'm accomplishing? .. how far away is your NAYboar ..... just a stones throw. This last stone i've trine fourmed it by liteting it up ..... a burning stone ..... grate balls of fire. I have learned that anything you focus on to STOP ... only strengthens it .... leave it bee ..... let yourSelf come to a gracefull resting spot under the a huge shade tree ..... in late spring. '' starting from Scratch ''.... scars ..... the 'claws that CatChiz .... black strap fever ... a damned god licking with a raiser snap ..... old scratch ... archaic name for the Devil .... those who have liveD .... Y's 0N3'S ..... ewe scratch my black and eye'll scratch yores''...... the nursery stories and rimes are uncorrupted prints .... foot prince ... they make an IMPRESSION on us .... IMPRINT .... just as a baby duck wood ..... the nebulas in the sky are the archetypal cloud image in the mind of GAWD .... YOU and I ..... me and yu ..... yew 'n M3... you're REALLY looking at an infinetesimally small image under the DOME of your Own mined .... the scale is back words ... tele is really micro ....... telemicronicles of FATer ThYM3... this world is unForgiving Naturally ..... or so they tell us .... point is the more importance you give to anything it will appear to be rigid .... but its YOU who is rigidly hanging on to false beliefs. I am in SO many songs and paintings and illustrated words that it actually SPARKED my eXistence ..the BOLT from the BLUE at 20... and i was WON... not a product of Art but the ISSUE of ARTiFaX ..... my Spiritual Father .... ArtHer...... ova hear and Over their. This is NOT the first time this has happened ... but its the first time in THIS world of MINE .... this is my KeLL'O'Dea ... the best destination i could hope for. One Two buck eL my Shew.... 3 ~ 4 shuts the DOOR .... this is 5 ~6///T9////.... pix uP StiX

Wed, 03/12/2014 - 03:09

. intuitive is a womans middle name actually ..... when she is 'in balance' both left and rite and she can see down that long corridoor where it vanishes on the horizon ......lMl ...... that is the vanishing point ..... mother .... mary ...... mar reed ..... you see? ..... i was given ONE wish ..... and the only proviso was i could NOT wish for more wishes ....... so i wished for intuition ....... in two wishin' ..... the first wish gave me two more .... and so on and so on ....... that was the feminine part of me ..... the number 9 as a GERMan .. is NO ..... l V O ...... OVI ..... l V O ...... that is an OweL half hidden from the EYEs ..... O V l ..... and the other side of the TREE ..... OVO .... the owel .... and the egg or Ovel ..... 0 ..... the blue pill ..... to wake up and believe anything you WANT to believe ....... everyone chose the red pill .... Truth .. the red cross ....... pain, torment, suffering, and death ....... So i asked myself .... if truth is that collection of horrors that this world has spawned ...... i'll take the BLUE pill ..... to HELL with Truth .....because THAT is what it is .....HELL ON EARTH.