my upcoming Film- Requital!! Im playing Detective Lawrence Wright
This is a Cool shot of me from different movie / tv projects doing different roles.
Im EXCITED me and my sons are in this Awesome film about Love, Life and Challenges!!
Aw Yes Its about to Take off , my first movie appearnce on A Indie SAG approved film titled Love Like This. Im playing Head Detective.Our red carpet and screening is sept 20th 2014. EXCITING!!!
I also Enjoy Modeling, Im so Grateful for all the talents and gifts God has Blessed me with!! U need a Model Also yall ? Lets Rock!! lol
A Honor to work in Hollywood at the Gospel goes 2 Hollywood event as Host and Escorter.
Swagg is on, Modelind doing my Thang!!
Exciting to b on board working with CEO Belinda Shaw Of ReelFocus as Ambassador, Global Talent Scout, Actor, Model, Musican, Host etc. thanks Belinda U ROCK Girl!!!
Excited to b on staff for the worlds largest Christian Television Network in the World TBN-Trinity Broadcasting Network. Founders Paul and Jane Crouch. I work at the manhattan Studios for the live tv Tapings as scheduled. AWESOME!!!
Excited to b on staff for TBN- Trinity Broacasting Network as Musican Keyboard Player. A Pleasure working for wonderful Founders Paul and Jane Crouch!!
Was chillin getting ready for my travel to north carolina for my Movie audition. Got Casted!!! EXCITING!!